June 27, 2005

Slowly in Greek

My whole life I wondered exactly what it was like to holiday in the greek islands.

I had read novels where people lose track of time and life as they immerse themselves in a world of questionable retsina and sultry men. The experiences described invariably seemed to have been born of a need to escape the known world in favour of something unfathomable. For this reason I had failed to comprehend any sense of scale or balance for these mystical islands - they were veiled in a haze of literary license. I was arriving without pre-conceptions.

From a distance the water is blue, the islands are barren, and the literary haze is replaced with a far more solid variant due to salty air and constant sunshine. Getting closer to any little island reveals a whole new measure of character. The sparsely populated hills and cliffs become dotted with little white houses and churches, the bunches of herbacious shrubs are interspersed with roaming goat herds, and the waters themselves reveal enticing colours ranging from royal blue to jade green. The real measure of each island is it's pockets of community in any given harbour. Now one must get closer still.

Most of the year tourists are few and far between. The very height of summer yeilds masses of travellers flooding down from European countries to the north, but in the pleasantly warm months to each side the islands hum gently with the ebb and flow of greek holiday makers and charter yachts. You are rarely alone, except when making passage from one island to the other. The company of locals and other sailors affords services and comforts - these pockets of population are jewels, sparkling with delicate cuisine and friendly conversation.

There are of course places where the influence of tourism has indelably defined the island, but the solution is simply to sail around to the other side and enjoy the more peaceful coves. What ever reputation that a town has earned it rarely applies to the entire island. And for those who do not have a yacht at hand to make an escape, the option is to wait for the next ferry. These are always varied and poorly scheduled. Some are very large, taking on an appearance closer to that of a cruise liner than a ferry, and others are unsettling small to the point of instilling a sense of wonderment as to how it floats at all. And then there are the ex-fishing boats which find service in getting small groups around and off an island.

The key to enjoying the travel in these islands is to leave the schedule behind. Very little happens at great pace, and even less happens on time. You never seem to travel to a particluar destination but edge your way closer to it. Slowly slowly. Remember, there is very little in between the towns and coves. Nothing is really all that close. It is often better to sit back and enjoy where you are. Slowly slowly.

In this way you have the time to enjoy a drink other than retsina, to enjoy the company of men or women who are far friendlier than you might imagine, and take a peek into the lives that fill the unkown beyond the haze.

June 21, 2005

Be You

Buddhists, Steve Jobs and travel photographers all have something in common.

I'm not very gregarious. There's a good reason I hide behind the camera instead of posing about in front of one. And it's not a 'problem' that needs to be dealth with, it's not a little thing I need overcome, and it's not something that might be treatable with anti-depressants. I like being this way, and it's nice to like being yourself. Very nice.

I was reminded today about a few people who probably are not being themselves. They are folks who have a reputation for being earnest and fair. Or at least they did have. They have gotten caught up in their own hype and seem to be living out a facade. It's a little sad for the people in question, but a lot sad for those around them. Anyone who is prepared to deceive themselves is certainly prepared to deceive others.

A recent washington post article refered to a chance presentation by Steve Jobs and the human side that emerged from the chat. The tale of Steve Jobs and his personal fluctuations is an interesting one, but it arrives back at a familiar point - be true to yourself. By virtue of Steve's experience these words really mean something. Not so for everyone however.

Most of us would leap forward to proclaim how correct and honest we are - and most of us would be lying. Every now and then we get a reminder of the lies we live with. They come back to haunt us until put to rest with a reality check and some humble self-appreciation. This is what makes buddhism so powerful for me... at it's very core is the belief that you should avoid all forms of lying or deception and always be a source of truth to yourself and others.

Easier said than done i can assure you. But a wonderful place to aspire to.

June 05, 2005

Good Lord

Today I became ordained as a minister. It took just a few seconds online. You may call me Reverend Ewen.

At first I was humble with responsibility, vowing to use my power for good instead of evil. I had not considered what function I would fill. I simply clicked on a website and became an instrument of God. It's an everyday sort of thing I suppose. The good people from Universal Life Church who have accepted me into their flock expouse just two principles... 1) promote freedom of religion. 2) do what is right.

To be honest I have a little trouble with the second principle. That's ok however, I have read enough John Irving novels to realise that an element of doubt is a vital component to growing one's spritual connection. My concern over 'do what is right' is merely the inference that one knows what is right.

To my mind the great source of conflict between nations and people is the tendency for us all to believe we know what is right. To this end the pursuit of tolerance is of great value. So I figure there is value in these two principles and enough for a simple reverend as myself to follow.

Later this very day I did a little more research. "Let google be your guide". I found quite a few other organisations offering ordination online, one of them featuring the inpsired words of none other than Carl Sagan...

"A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge."

...hhhm, I cant help but wonder if the great Sagan is more impressed with the laws of physics than the potential for spiritual development?

Isnt that just typical of the issue of religion though - great swagging crowds of people gathered together in awe of the church, while the real mystery is of a somewhat grander scale. Of course religion per se is naught the problem, it's merely the manner in which people follow and interpret what they perceive to be a greater wisdom.

That brings us back to 'do what is right'. Lord help me.

June 04, 2005

Business Non-Sense

business ethics is fast becoming an oxymoron. the gradual development of the western work ethic has side-lined any genuine recognition of the individual in favour of ever reducing incentives for the employee. if you feel that your work environment is a 'carrot and stick' situation with very little carrot then you're not alone. i have listed my top five techniques that the modern management team will utilise to keep you underpaid and undervalued.

if there's one thing i learned from my undergraduate sociology lectures it's to recognise the short lived nature of current historical events. while i didnt realise it back in the 90's, there's something very buddhist about sociological study of history - the idea that everything changes. the simple lesson is to avoid treating the here and now as though it has been forever. with that in mind let's journey into the murky realm of business ethics.

there was a time when the success of a business was measured by the social standing of the company. how many people do they hire? how many graduates do they accept from college? how well off is the average employee? a big company was a respected company, because it grew on the basis of good people and strong ties with the community. this view is increasingly old fashioned and unpopular. if i had a dime for everytime someone told me "it's good business sense" i'd be rich. the suggestion is that somehow it's morally acceptable to f*ck your employees over. well i'm here to tell you that it's not only unacceptable, but it's bad business too.

with that in mind i'd like to run through my top five ways that a company will screw their employees.

let's start with 'salary bands'. the funny thing about management decisions to restrict pay levels is that the people making the decision are usually earning a lot of money. the application of salary bands is a classic piece of double speak that leaves even the most earnest of employees confused and betrayed. the company will typically sell the idea as beneficial to all staff, because it brings everyone into the same scale of remuneration and ensures that people are paid equivalent salaries for equivalent work. your friendly human resources team will joyfully explain to you how they assess where in the scale you sit, ensuring that your skills and contribution have been compared against other staff within the organisation and external industry rates. in fact, countless external consultants have been paid very large sums of money to help ensure that you aren't! the trick here is not with the bands themselves, but in how you are assessed to fit into the bands. the subjective nature of such assessments leaves ample room for minimising company expenditure on your salary.

the next trick follows closely from the first. the application of bands not only reduces the size of the kitty you are bargaining for, but the bands themselves suddenly become paper ceilings to your remuneration growth. anyone who finds themselves anywhere near the top of a salary band will find themselves impeded from salary rises on the basis that they need to leave room in their band for future rises. did you catch that? let's do that again because it can slip past you without so much as a blink! people are denied wage increases on the basis that doing so would remove their opportunity and motivation for the next increase. if this logic seems like a cynical piece of manipulation then you're probably right. those clever people who point out that the solution is to 'move me to a higher band' are often met with the shocking news that doing so may actually *reduce* their salary, not increase it. this is no accident. bands are not exclusive as you might think, rather they overlap. moving up a band requires re-assessment of your skills and you may sit low on the new band to the point of getting a pay reduction. how convenient.

the third trick is bonuses. the language alone is clasic double speak. companies remove a portion of your base salary and offer it back to you as a bonus. brilliant! except the rules governing bonuses are hazy and mystical and never seem to favour the employee. only the HR gurus can really assess fully what your likely bonus outcome will be. sneaky little clauses are placed into your contract which allow the company to exercise discretion over the payment of any bonus. the upshot is this - any failure to meet the full set of criteria for bonus assessment will result in losing a large part, if not all, of your bonus.

no discussion of 'performance bonuses' would be complete without a mention of 'key performance indicators' - KPI's. the most obvious failing of modern management techniques is the wide spread use of KPI's. my first issue with KPI's is the manner in which they are invariably implemented. far from providing clear targets to assist an employe to focus their efforts, most KPI's establish metric targets which by themselves are not sufficent measure of the employee's worth - they merely distract staff from doing their job properly and act as a deterrent to people who may otherwsie show initiative in their work. KPI's can only grade events and targets which are known before hand - they have no bearing on changing environments and unforseen opportunities that are common for many if not most roles. the most objectionable reality of KPI's however is the manner in which they reflect a *lack* of management. any manager worth their salt already knows what their team members are doing and how well they are doing it. they need not resort to mickey mouse number massaging to assess performance or to define targets. it is no wonder then that sloppy managers derive little quality improvement from the application of equally sloppy KPI's.

all of this double speak is currently the realm of human resources. let's stop and think about that term - human *resources*. we no longer think of our staff as *people*? they are merely resources. this is no small part of the bigger picture, the de-personification of employment. the catch cry of the 90's was "it's not personal, it's just business". well here's a news flash, for the employees (or 'human resources') who spend all day working for the betterment of your company it is personal. it is their *lives* that are being played out in your job opportunity, it is their children waiting at home wondering where dad is, and it is their spare time that is taking the brunt of the unpaid overtime that is expected but not remunerated.

that brings me to my forth nugget of corporate deception. the idea that anyone who doesnt stay back and put in a bunch of extra hours will be penalised. in spite of legislation which protects a workers rights to fulfill their contract and nothing more, at every level of our society there exists pressure to 'go one better than the next guy'. we live in fear that someone else will get the promotion if we dont do the extra work. it's a nice little trick. most managers will go to great lengths to avoid saying 'you must come in to work this weekend', as that may have legal implications. but they dont need to spell it out, the work culture is sufficiently tainted with the expectation. your own boss is probably a 10 hour a day worker or worse, and so leads by example to ensure you get the message. just try leaving work at a reasonable hour and listen for the murmours of shock and dismay as you head for the door. word will soon get back to you that maybe you're not pulling your weight. subtle checks are made to verify that you have worked the full 40 hours that week, the inference being "do a little extra just to make sure you dont do too little".

the fifth and final item on my list is loyalty. this is the one which makes me really mad - for corporations to invoke such an emotive term is the height of deceipt. loyalty to the company is demanded on many levels, and it's origins take us back to that era of history when companies rated themselves by how well they took care of their workers. but the fact is that modern companies demand a level of loyalty from their employees that the company itself would never return. cutting staff levels and making redundancies is regarded as 'good business'. loyalty has nothing to do with it. protecting employee entitlements is the least priority when a company goes belly up - debitors and shareholders get their piece of the pie first. and then there's the four items listed above. put them together and what do you have?

let's have no illusions about the philanthropic nature of modern business. the contemporary definition of business sense has little room for compassion or morality. the question is, however, where does it end?

what kind of society are we building as we committ our communities to the immoral pursuit of profit? we create an environment where it's ok to stomp all over the human spirit because "it's not personal". what message does this send to our mum's and dad's and hence to their children? how do people learn to differentiate between a business decision and real life? since when are the two mutually exclusive anyway! employee relations is turning into a real-life game of 'survivor', where the value of friendship and human respect is instantly discounted with the excuse "i'm just playing the game". once the rules of the game define people as resources and reward deception with respect then we are undermining our entire society to the detriment of all.

it is a shallow and pitiful existence for those who play this game for their own advantage, and for them my compassion wears thin.